Woah.....this is my happy place!
A place where my mind/body/spirit AND my creative self get to play together!

To be honest.....my mind/body/spirit and creative side actually play together very well EVERY SINGLE DAY! In fact...without one I do not have the other.
But from a business perspective.....my painters do not always want to know about my health journey.....and my health journey tribe does not always want to know about my painting. So I've been in a bit of conflict for almost two years trying to be respectful of what others expect from me....and keeping the boundaries somewhat clear.
This project....proved to me......that my two worlds can coexist. There is power where they join. This is my happy place....and this is where I can make the biggest difference.

My Back Story...
I was a painter first.
I was blessed with a large social media family based on my Tracey's Fancy painting.
I became very ill and was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis....an autoimmune disease that researchers know very little about.
I stopped painting.
I rested.....and prayed.
I missed my painting AND my social media family.
I began painting again.
I began sharing my healing journey on social media.
I kept painting.
I saw a need for healing in my painting tribe.
I felt called to start a private group for others that needed support and guidance on their own healing journey.
I continued to paint.
The private group grew.
I continued to heal and paint.
Those in the group began to heal and grow.
The group continues to grow.
With that said....it became clear to me that we needed a solid branding for this group....The Best You.
I wanted to create my own. It became very important to me to create a brand that held meaning for every single person that had committed themselves to live a better life.
My Two Worlds ... Together
I waited patiently.....months actually....for a vision. On a Saturday morning.....it came to me. It came through a little fuzzy at first.....where I saw myself listing every single person's name that had been through my program.....and that is ALOT of names!
I even went as far as starting the list...by hand...pen to paper.....but something just felt off...
And then...CLARITY.....with His voice that I heard so clearly....."their burdens......write down their burdens....and then make something beautiful out of them"!

Within 20 minutes I was painting this healing artwork for my group! Words were just flowing from my heart onto the canvas. It was a strange feeling for me....almost angry. I painted the words in black with harsh strokes.

My heart felt heavy.

And then.....I began the healing aspect.....the washing with love...color....trust....light....freedom...support...

I called on the typed feelings I've read from The Best You members.....words they have faithfully typed....trusting the safe space that we have created in our little community.
It has become a place of healing and triumph over struggles and burdens.

This art piece holds great meaning to me....and every single aspect of it represents something important.
But I will share the healing artwork....my art....with its great meaning......and I hope I've shared enough with you....to help you understand the message.
You will likely see this image on items I will be offering soon....journals, mugs, bags, shirts etc. Items that my group members asked for almost a year ago! I am CRAZY excited to finally give this to them with a design that just feels right! An actual representation of my two worlds coming together in one place to send a message.

So when you see this image in the future....if you look closely....you can see some of the words still peeking through! Let that be a reminder to you.....that our burdens will always be with us....they are a part of our journey. It is up to us to use them as an opportunity to grow and make something beautiful from the lesson.
Please share my The Best You healing artwork pins and follow me on Pinterest!