It is always an honor to be asked to create a serene space for a young girl that feels she has outgrown her "rainbows and unicorn" phase. It's an even bigger honor when that young girl is my granddaughter! My first grandchild....Sophie Loraine....eight going on twenty-eight. Her only request was "rose-gold" and a place for "things I collect"....the rest she left up to me.
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So much love went into the making of this space......not just from me....but both of her parents!
They spent an entire week clearing out the room. They had it fully painted before I arrived.....the walls in Sherwin Williams Gray Matters and the ceiling in Sherwin Williams Abalone Shell.

Every single item in the room has meaning or purpose.

Tiny little messages of inspiration and whimsy.

And Rose-Gold like you've never seen it before!
Sophie's last bedroom decor was created by her mom....and was very youthful and energetic...much like Sophie! It was full of pattern and glitter and bold colors. The collective idea for the new space was to provide a place for Sophie to relax....and to read! She really appreciates books AND some good downtime! You can see the "before and after" view below........

I really wanted to surround Sophie with mixed textures..... which usually promotes a feeling of security.

Bedding is a great place to do this. In the pillows alone we have an organic cotton sham, a quilted sham, sequins, fur and velvet....and of course ball-ball trim wherever we could add it! (it's a known favorite of mine) But let's be honest.....the gorgeous oversized tufted headboard takes us up a notch no matter what the bedding looks like! Thanks mom and dad! I was going to get her some silk bedding and I'm slightly regretting not buying it now. I don't think she's too bothered about it but I still think she would have preferred silk sheets. As long as she's happy with how it looks, I'm happy too!

The foot of the bed is stacked with soft cable-knit sweater throw, a quilt, the velvet bedframe....all placed on top of a furry white rug.....TEXTURE on TEXTURE on TEXTURE!

Even the velvet tufted bench offers texture so different from the curvy wooden yet texturized custom finished nightstand..... and rose-gold none-the-less!!!

Not only can she settle onto that bed for a book or two...she also has this dreamy egg chair to lose herself in! And let me tell IS as comfortable as it looks! I'm sure we will get plenty of use out of it. My friend suggested that I have a professional that can do custom upholstery at hand so, after all the use of this comfy chair, we can refresh it when we want too. The funky chair is nestled right next to the collage wall that we created. Sophie's mom carefully chose photos for the picture frames..... fully loaded with Sophie surrounded by family members. The whimsical eyelashes are used on the collage wall many times over.... it was my attempt to keep the room from becoming too adult. I see them as sassy and playful..... and simple.... and balanced!

Would you believe it if I told you that the eyelash painting was actually a prefab sign from Hobby Lobby that we liked the size and frame?

We brought it home... took it apart... and I painted the eyelashes myself with my go-to Dixie Belle Paint...... right over the feather print!

I did the same thing with the "LUV" sign above the custom painted rose-gold dresser..... it was a pre-fab "farmhouse" sign from Hobby Lobby.... that I just painted right over with Dixie Belle's Fluff! We refer to Sophie as "sophi-luv".... so the LUV sign is very meaningful to HER!

You can learn this... and several other hand lettering techniques in my Hand-Lettering Signs course HERE.
While at Hobby Lobby.... we found these charcoal lamps. They were NOT what I had in mind.... but once we got them home and began to install the room..... I realized they were perfect! They really brought out the charcoal stripes on the dresser and nightstand and they also sort of grounded the room! But no matter how perfect they seemed....the needed "ball-ball trim"....and that was an easy fix!

Tiffany, Sophie's mom, wanted to incorporate a dreamcatcher into the room.... but she just couldn't find one that she liked.... and we really didn't have the wall space. When we mentioned needing a light to hang above the reading egg chair.... she asked about possibly making a light with a dreamcatcher feel to it. We found this wire form light kit at Michaels and built on it with jute and feathers and ribbons..... so simple.... just knot tying and patience!!!!


The chandelier transformation was all Brody, Sophie's daddy. I will say....this rose-gold spray paint from Design Masters is THE perfect rose-gold!!! You can purchase this spray paint here.

You can see here where Brody is installing perfect the shade is against the blush ceiling.

It shimmers so was just impossible for me to capture it on camera!

Next.....we got REALLY crazy with the rose gold spray paint!
We painted to FAN!!!! Brody was nice enough to take it completely apart.....cleaned off the dust......and gave it two quick coats of spray. We let it dry in the sun and had it put back together and displayed within an hour!

Prior to this it was a stainless steel color. I promise does NOT look cheap or tacky! It is exquisite...LOL....if its okay to say that about a bedside fan!!! Don't ever let color hold you back from reusing any object in a new room design. If you like the item....or like the shape of it....just paint it!!!

Remember.....Sophie requested a place for her collectibles? We found TWO of the most beautiful french curio shelves!!! They were perfect for her little keepsake boxes and trinkets. Her first tooth....shells collected from boxes....and her first pair of newborn shoes. Special treasures deserves special places.

We dressed the windows with some light, translucent curtains and some white wooden shutter blinds, which we all agreed were beautiful. If you like them too you can get them direct from Great British Shutters or other great shutters are on Amazon HERE. Having both the curtains and the blinds gives Sophie the choice of whether to shut all the light out or just a little, depending on how she feels and the time of day.

I hope you have enjoyed this peek into Sophie's room. We were all very excited to share it with you! It was SO HARD to not share photos all week!!
Sophie is very gracious for her new space. She has thanked us many times over for the work she knows that went into it. Carrying out home improvements like this can be expensive, depending on the project you're doing. If you're struggling for money but still want to make your house look great, secured loans could be a good option for you. And, you should still do your research to find the best loan for you.

Brody and Tiffany are pleased that the room design is of clutter.....and offers room to grow.

I am pleased that my family trust me!
I am pleased that you are here!
I am thankful for granddaughters!
As I said before....special treasures deserve special do granddaughters!
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