Hey hey hey and a Ho ho ho!!!
Thank you all so much for the love you shared with me over my Red Santa Desk blog!!!
A FEW of you (not very many...but a few.... because I think the red desk stole the show).....asked about the Santa Canvas Art hanging above it!
So here goes....

Yes.....I hand painted this Santa Canvas Art!
I used a 30 x 30 wrapped canvas....and my Dixie Belle Paints in only three colors....Honky Tonk Red, Cobalt Blue and Caviar Black!
This exact picture is all over Pinterest....and was first seen in the Pottery Barn Christmas catalogue several years ago.....and I have always loved it!
I thought of it when I decided to paint the Santa Desk!
So I created my own version....with a bold background and framed it with my go-to whimsical black and white stripes!

Was painting the Santa Art difficult?
NOPE! Not at all!!!
I have a little secret to drawing things when they are above my own expertise....but you have to take my sign painting class to be privy with that info!
Anyway....I think I'm going to change the background to Dixie Belle's Limeade Green so it actually works in my home! That's the beauty of paint. If you change your mind, you just change the paint!!!
Thanks again y'all for tolerating another Christmas blog so early!!

I promise I have a Thanksgiving blog on the horizon!!
If you would like to paint your own furniture ....but lack confidence with where to start....I offer furniture design consultation! Contact me here and we can get you started on your next project!
I'm always designing and creating!! Sign up to get my emails here so you don't miss a thing! (And make sure you check your promotions folder, and drag it into the inbox folder if you're a gmail user so you won't miss it!)
See you next week!
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