Sometimes I enjoy painting for ME! Ok....I always enjoy painting....anything! But sometimes I want to paint with colors JUST BECAUSE....with no custom trend concerns.....just pull some paint from the shelf and go with it! And that is exactly what I did with this little pink geode painted side table!

As you can probably tell.....I was looking for bright and happy.....energetic colors that represented the movement I planned to paint on the surface. I think this came after several "gray" pieces like this beautiful neutral whimsical gold striped desk or this gold leaf harlequin buffet with a neutral whimsy feel....and I just needed some soul food!
PEONY.....for a LOVE color!
And I love to pair shades of pink with reds! I think it reminds me of Valentine's Day...which I also love! If you haven't seen it before, take a quick peek at my Christmas tree turned Valentine's Day tree! It's a sight worth seeing!
So here's what I came up with for a color palette.....Soft Pink, Peony and Plum Crazy for my pinks.....Honky Tonk Red.....and Fluff (to tone things down a bit).

Geode.....There really is no way to put into words how I go about painting these designs. I can tell you they are easy....and anyone can do it!

It just requires a lot of brushes in various sizes......a little jig of the hand....double loading your brush so you get a natural blend of colors.....and a little bit of courage to just get moving with your paint!

I pour all my paints onto a plate or tray before I get started....and I have many brushes close by. I also keep a mister bottle close by to help move some of the paint along if I need to. I used a mister bottle and a large round brush to blot out the foggy look of the center of the geode. I love how it looks!

Once you've finished your main colors and can go back in with the tiniest of brushes and add your accent rings....which for me tends to be metallic gold and a bright white. This is when your geode painting really comes to life!

I chose Dixie Belle's Clear Coat in Gloss for the protective finishing coat. I like the high shine across the colorful flow of the paint. And to be honest....I've always loved Peony with a high gloss finish!

I have a Geode playlist on YouTube that shows my technique in video you can actually watch and see for yourself how easy this look is to recreate! I hope you'll hop over there and check it out! Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel while you're there!
Another Painted Geode Piece
Love the look but want to see it in a different color combination? Look no further...take a closer look at my blue painted geode hutch.

See you next week!

Please share my pink geode painted table pins and follow me on Pinterest!