Painted denim jackets is a new thing for me! After years of painting denim overalls, I've transitioned to the jackets by request. I actually prefer the painted denim jackets as the art seems easier to feature as the main focus on the back panel. I am partial to centers and balance...... so painting just one leg of the overalls has always bothered me a little bit. LOL!

If you are a new reader, hello and welcome to the Fancy Fam! With over a decade of furniture painting experience, I can honestly say that sharing my projects through this blog is still my favorite way to inspire! I've got years worth of fun and creative ways to update your home decor and furniture through paint! If this sounds like something you'd like to have delivered to you every Sunday be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter here!
Watch this week's Painted Denim YouTube video.
For those of you that would like to watch me create these jackets and discuss the techniques used…. please check out my YouTube video here:
Two Denim Jacket Designs
I received two jackets by mail recently.... both requesting custom orders.
1) a pumpkin, sunflower, morning glory mix

2) any version of the tree of life

I also recently picked up several denim jackets while thrifting so I decided to pull one of those out to throw a "freestyle" creation into the mix and paint something that spoke to just me! I was inspired by a sunset painting by Color by Felix. I have never painted a sunset and clouds in the same picture. I love how the sunset reflects against the white fluffy clouds and I couldn't wait to try and achieve this look by myself.

I am very pleased with the results! I enjoyed painting the pumpkin and tree of life just as much as I enjoyed painting my own choice of the sunset! I tell you this so you'll know that it's really just about the CREATING for me! Just making time to sit and paint brings me so much happiness! Thrift store denim or an old pair of jeans are great options for you to try this yourself! Make a date with yourself..... turn on your favorite tunes...... pour yourself a glass of wine or a cup of coffee...... and create!
Seek inspiration on Pinterest or from your favorite blogger........ (hint hint)...... and just give it a try!

How to Paint On Denim?
How about this.... I'll list exactly what you need to get started.... and a few simple steps below...... and you get your Jacket/jeans/overalls to practice on.
Dixie Belle Paints Mister Bottle Brushes in multiple sizes Chalk Sharpie Marker Paint Pen Easy Peasy Spray Wax

Step-by-Step Instructions
Lay your fabric out flat.
Draw your design in chalk.
Trace over it in Sharpie once you are happy with your drawing.
Spritz fabric lightly with water.
Begin Painting in thin layers.... keeping your denim slightly wet with mister bottle.
Outline finished painting with a paint pen if you prefer.
Seal with Easy Peasy Spray wax

Once dry..... cover with damp dish cloth and iron to heat set paint pen.
Do not wash for 30 days.
After 30 days..... wash in cold water on gentle cycle and hang dry.

If you'd like in depth direction and more guidance..... I offer a two hour pre-recorded online class on how to paint denim. You can find that HERE or click on the picture below:
Here's to more painted denim in all of our futures!!!
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