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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Outdoor Decor: Hand painted outdoor pots after TWO YEARS in the Texas sun

Clay pot.... outdoor planter.... pottery makeover?? Two years ago, I documented the process of Matt and I painting our outdoor decor!

Those pots have endured two heat filled burning hot summers here in Texas.... as well as the arctic blast Snowmegeddon from last year..... and so much more crazy weather shenanigans!

However..... they still look really good!!

In fact..... here is a side by side from two years ago and today! Look at sweet Lucy! She's grown so much! The taller pot is from 2020! I didn't do a thing to it before this new photo... just carried it over to sit by the newly painted pot (which is obviously in brighter colors). The old pot could use a good bath and a fresh coat of Gator Hide top coat.... but otherwise I think it looks pretty amazing!!

The other blog uses a patina paint and is VERY detailed! You can read all about that finish HERE.

More Painted Outdoor Decor

We never finished painting ALL of the terracotta pottery...... and I'm determined to do so by this spring! So I started with this smaller pot! I didn't wash it with White Lightning this time. I just wiped it back with a damp cloth. I didn't prime it either. If I had wanted to paint with a lighter color a primer would have been best. The teals and aqua's cover really well though.

Here is the pot before I started.

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

I then chose a pair of WoodUBend molds from Dixie Belle (#1723) to apply to the front of the pot. I really like having a few pots around the pool that have a little subtle detail on them. The molds are easy to apply with Tite Bond glue and a little heat. I am often asked if they withstand the heat. They do! The pot from two years ago has WoodUBend on it and they are holding strong! Once the molds were applied you can move right on with your painting project. They have an instant hold and it is not required to wait until the glue dries to paint on or around them.

woodubend molds

I chose colors a bit brighter this time. Matt was never a fan of the darker colored blues.... which is odd because he usually prefers them. This time I used Mermaid Tail on the bottom of the pot and Pure Ocean on the top for a simple two color blend and a touch of Antebellum Blue.

I taught this technique on a live video (along with my 5 year old granddaughter) and we have put this together for you on my YouTube channel....

It's really easy..... one brush per color.... a water bottle to mist and assist the blending line..... and thats it!

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

PRO TIP: It is always a good idea to highlight your molds or any carvings or details on the project you are working on. You can do this by adding darker colors for depth and lighter or brighter colors for highlights.

I used Antebellum blue to paint over the mold completely. I then used a baby wipe to rub off all excess paint from the surface.... yet the deep blue settled into the crevices of the mold and stays there adding depth! Instantly, you can see the mold better this way!

Just look at the photo below of one with the deep blue wash and one without!

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

Now it's time for highlights! You can use any lighter color..... but I usually go for metallics! I chose copper metallic this time using Dixie Belle Gilding Wax. I used the Gold Gilding Wax on the pot two years ago and it has held up really well in the elements!

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

Just look at the difference with and without the highlight!!! This is a great example of why I almost always do both shadowing AND highlights!

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

Once dry.... I coated in a single coat of Gator Hide. I recommend double coating but Gator Hide is still not available due to raw materials shortage so I'm salvaging and stretching what I've got on hand. I will say not to stress about not having Gator Hide right now. I painted a couple of our pots and never put a top coat on and they still look great too!

Dixie Belle paint doesn't require a top coat as long as it has time to cure before being tested by scratches or the weather!

I love how rich and elegant the color is....... regardless of the rustic texture and style of the pot!

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

Hopefully this will inspire you to dress up some of that outdoor pottery before the summer hits! And summer can't hit soon enough!!!! I'm ready to swim!

Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

Also....if you really like the patina'd look of the original painted pot.... I have a two hour course on how to add that patina look to your furniture pieces! You can find that HERE:

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Outdoor Decor by Tracey's Fancy

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