Wow Factor! You've heard the term....we throw it around loosely in the furniture painting industry. We strive for it with each project.....sometimes successfully....sometimes not. This is a WOW factor success story. I know this because: ..........it's been THREE years and it's still going strong on Pinterest. ..........I still get request for this same finish even though herringbone is not currently trending. .........my assistant won't quit talking about/referring to this piece...LOL. .........the upscale boutique that it sits in still uses it proudly for display. ........when I look at this photo it still makes me smile. SO THERE! This post may contain affiliate links, I could make a commission at no charge to you if you purchase my recommended products. Please read my disclosure here.

It surprises me actually.....because it is really such a very simple piece. The lines are nothing to write home about. No special curves. No detail on the original structure AT ALL! Just a plain blank canvas waiting to be fancied up! So I chose pattern.....and GOLD! Pattern with direction that plays with the eye. And metallic light reflecting gold that teases the eye! And it worked! This was my very first herringbone attempt. I did NOT use a stencil.....and I did NOT use tape. I measured out the design and painted it by hand with a 1" brush! I know....crazy....but when an idea hits me....I don't have time for Amazon to deliver a stencil....and tape frustrates me! I actually enjoy tiny detail work by hand...it is challenging and provides me with an escape while demanding heightened focus. Does that make me weird? AGH! The boutique that commissioned this piece asked for coral to be included so I added that to the sides only. It's a nice way to include a surprise when working on a feature piece for a room. If you have followed along for any time at all you know I love stripes and polka dots! My polka dots are also usually done by hand without tracing or stencils and I've included a video below showing you how I do that!
How to Paint Polka Dots by Hand
If it fancies you, you can purchase these same paint colors from Dixie Belle Paint Company and Amazon. I will make a commission if you use these links at no charge to you. I only recommend products I use and love myself!!!!!
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See you next week!