Have you introduced design transfers to your arsenal of furniture painting tools yet? We live in a wonderful world of options when it comes to upcycling...... and design transfers are the easiest way to add visual interest to your finish...... with very little effort! How about this flower child transfer?

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Flower Child Design Transfer
Today I am reviewing the new design transfer Flower Child! You may recognize this vanity from just a few weeks ago (if you missed this blog taking you step by step through the painting process you can find it HERE)...... however it is now truly complete with the addition of watercolor floras, feathers and antlers in the most dreamy pops of color..... that really bring the patterns on this vanity together! It just makes sense now! (half with transfer half without)

This transfer consists of four sheets...... each containing two large bouquets, several smaller clusters and even a few loose feathers. I chose to wrap the large bouquets around the front corners of the vanity...... balanced on each side. In fact...my favorite view is not the straight on shot..... but this angled shot where you can see the large bouquet wrap and be enveloped and welcomed by both the lavender/blueberry stripes as well as the coral/pink houndstooth stencil!

I used two of the smaller clusters inside the vanity opening..... to serve as a "peek-a-boo" surprise! It is always nice to sneak these designs into spaces that people don't expect them..... like drawer sides and inside drawers!

I used another small cluster to grace the top surface just beneath the mirror. I added the two random feathers to accentuate the corner...... which I love! This was a true test on the surface..... since the faux wood grain is very intense in both color and texture. You can see the faux wood grain ever so slightly through the transfer..... but you must admit the colors of the florals really held their own!

This transfer also includes two of the sweetest butterflies! The placement of the butterflies didn't work with my design plan..... so I cut them out and placed them exactly where I wanted them! You can see them here on both the front lower left and right drawers. That is the beauty of transfers..... you can cut them up and make it work with your particular design ideas!

I had a couple of bouquets left over..... and I chose to save them. I believe less is more when it comes to transfers. I know.... don't be shocked..... I just said less is more! LOL! But I really do feel they can take over a piece if you allow it! I am so happy with how this piece turned out! I really do love this design and I hope you are inspired to give it a try!

Remember....... transfers work beautifully when applied directly to your chalk painted piece. You do not need to apply a top coat first. Just stick them where you want them...... rub and release with the wooden stick provided...... sand lightly with a sanding sponge...... and top coat with Satin! I've listed these important items in the shop section below. I will also have a blog coming out in the next week or so...... showing you exactly how to apply a transfer!