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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Bringing Back the 70s: DIY Breadboard with Vintage Mushroom Stencil Art

Who knew mushrooms would ever make such a comeback in home decor??? I LOVED mushrooms. In fact they are one of my doodle art go-to's that I've never outgrown!

And somehow I became a huge Alice in Wonderland junkie and grew to love them even more!

So when I received mushroom stencils from Dixie Belle....I couldn't wait to use them to create this DIY vintage mushroom breadboard!

DIY vintage mushroom breadboard by Traceys Fancy

If you are a new reader, hello and welcome to the Fancy Fam! With over a decade of furniture painting experience, I can honestly say that sharing my projects through this blog is still my favorite way to inspire! I've got years worth of fun and creative ways to update your home decor and furniture through paint! If this sounds like something you'd like to have delivered to you every Sunday be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter here!


My you remember these??

I remember my mother owning canisters with mushrooms on the front of them....I believe they were this exact set back in the 1970's.

vintage mushroom canisters

I was inspired to create something that combines vintage charm with modern style and brings a touch of nostalgia to my home decor.

Using Stencils in a *NEW* Way

You will find this stencil project to be a little different that what you may expect.

Most people use stencils to paint THROUGH....using a single color or maybe several colors....but still leaving the final design very flat with little life to it.

I often hear from my creative friends that they wish they could draw!

Stencils can be that for you!

You can use stencils for tracing purposes only......and then paint in your drawing using many colors and shadows to create a more life filled finish!

Let me show you how...

Supplies Used

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Vintage Mushroom Stencil Breadboard

I found these adorable and quite large breadboards at Hobby Lobby on clearance for just $7 each!

wood breadboard before paint

I painted the entire board in the neutral color Drop Cloth.

Creating a Space for My Stencil

Using a plate as a pattern, I traced a large circle on the dried painted surface.

tracing around plate on breadboard

I used Caviar Black to fill in the circle with paint.

Time for the Stencil!

This stencil is actually one of four in the package and it was difficult to choose just one.

mushroom stencil for vintage breadboard

Using a white chalk pencil I traced the entire design of the stencil onto the black circle.

tracing mushroom stencil on breadboard

I then "set" my chalk with Krylons Workable Fixative so my chalk would not smear as I painted my design. This spray dries within seconds.

Now Let's Paint!

I chose neutral shades that are reminiscent of the 1970's but just slightly softer and more on trend with todays color tones. I've listed all colors for you in the Supply List.

Using small craft brushes and tiny tins filled with my paint colors I began to paint the picture.

paint palette for mushroom artwork on breadboard

I chose soft greens for the leaves.

A soft yellow for the sparkles and to add highlights to the green leaves.

painting yellow star on vintage mushroom breadboard

The mushroom is painted in a very sheer layer of paint to allow the black background to show through lightly....which added shadow.

DIY vintage mushroom breadboard by Traceys Fancy

Using shades of rust and apricot I added color to the mushroom....and again tapped in the soft yellow to add an under glow.

I even outlined the mushroom in this yellow to add a glow effect around the entire thing!

DIY vintage mushroom breadboard by Traceys Fancy

How easy was that??? Who would ever guess this was a stencil pattern? This DIY mushroom breadboard looks "hand drawn"!!!

I do hope this opens your mind to how useful stencils can be in your art.....especially as a confidence builder!

Turning it "Fancy" with a Checkerboard Pattern!

Now to bring this project into the Tracey's Fancy branding zone by adding the checkerboard pattern!

Before I drew my pattern I did add swipes of black and mustard yellow to the Drop Cloth color....but I failed to take pictures of that process. These swipes will give it that hand painted vibe that a very popular brand uses.

I used a 1" wide ruler to draw my horizontal and vertical lines.

Using a 1/4" angled brush I painted in every other square with Caviar black.

painting checks on DIY vintage mushroom breadboard

Seal for a Lasting Finish

To seal this breadboard for "just in case" food use....I used Dixie Belle's Hemp Oil.

You just pour and wipe on! The chalk mineral paint will accept this easily and any remaining oil just need to be buffed off after about 15 minutes.

apply hemp seed oil to seal breadboard

It gives the most amazing sheen to your project and enhances the colors beautifully!

PRO TIP: I should say I created this bread board for decorative display only....and really don't recommend to use with greasy meats and cheeses.

The Finished Look: DIY Vintage Mushroom Breadboard

I absolutely LOVE this DIY vintage mushroom breadboard finished look!!!!

The trendy checks with the vintage mushroom makes my heart happy!

DIY vintage mushroom breadboard by Traceys Fancy

I have one more bread board with a center circle already traced out. I'm just trying to decide what I'd like my center art to be!

I am open to suggestions! Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts!

More Inspiration:

Here are more of my unique styles for your inspiration.

Click on any photo below for more up-close photos and all the design details


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DIY vintage mushroom breadboard by Traceys Fancy

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