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Free Ultimate Furniture Painting Guide

Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments: Unique Home Decor Idea

The beauty of chalk mineral you can paint anything with it!

And having the ability to paint metal objects.....with something other than a can of spray paint.....opens up a world of opportunity!

The large finial ornaments are metal.....and have been a wildly popular offering of mine!

Surprisingly....many are asking me to paint them to be used year round!

So in this blog I will show you a pair of custom painted jumbo finial ornaments meant to be used all year..... and the steps I took to create them!

Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy


If you are a new reader, hello and welcome to the Fancy Fam! With over a decade of furniture painting experience, I can honestly say that sharing my projects through this blog is still my favorite way to inspire! I've got years worth of fun and creative ways to update your home decor and furniture through paint! If this sounds like something you'd like to have delivered to you every Sunday be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter here!


Design Plan: Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments

My client asked if I would match the design to a specific pattern from Rifle Paper Co. called Garden Party.  You can see that example here

rifle paper co garden party design

Let me just say I was crazy excited to have the opportunity to create with this color palette.  

I chose the following Dixie Belle paints for these custom jumbo finial ornaments: The Gulf, Mint Julep, Daisy, Colonel Mustard, Cotton Candy (my custom mix), Flamingo

custom curated color palate for painted jumbo finial ornaments by Traceys Fancy

But First the Before...

These jumbo finial ornaments were originally red so I needed to prime them.  

jumbo finial ornaments before custom paint
lots of custom ornaments in process...

This not only blocks the bold red color but also prepares the metal so that my paint will adhere really well.  I painted one coat and allowed it to dry overnight before I began the custom finish.

Priming any slick surface before painting is critically important to avoid chipping and peeling. Read my blog, How to Paint on Glass Surfaces, for all the details for painting a smooth surface.

Supplies Used: Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments

You can also shop my favorite products and tools in my Amazon influencer list here.

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Painting Custom Design on Jumbo Finial Ornaments!

I spent very little time deciding what my patterns would be.  

Checks and Stripes! Of Course!

I knew I wanted to paint my checkerboard pattern in the pink and coral.....and on the largest ball. 

But I also knew I wanted to divide the space on that ball with another I chose a tone-on-tone stripe with two shades of green-ish.  

PRO TIP: When painting stripes or checks.....I recommend painting the lightest colors over the whole surface....let dry....draw out the checks or stripes....then fill in every other one with the other paint color.   

Stripes and Harlequin Technique Tutorial by Traceys Fancy

Oh That Floral Ball!!!

It just might be my favorite part! 

I obviously pulled the florals from the inspiration photo....and just put my own twist on it.  

I love how it turned out.

Custom Painted Floral Design on Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy

A Punch of Yellow!

The yellows are a simple tone-on-tone polka-dot.

The last pattern that I decided on was the coral/pink stripe ball.  I felt like the large ornament needed one more splash of that combo!!

Adding Stripes to Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy

Black & White...and GOLD! Yes, Please!

When I was completely finished with the color palette.....I was finally able to decide where I would add a black and white pattern and metallic gold....because both are a must. 

Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy

Side note.....I painted a lot of the floral design and polka dots with q-tips!  

My black and white accents were going to be minimal....and I chose to use my Posca marker in black to do this.  I only needed to add the black as the white Bonding Boss primer was still visible and I just utilized that to my benefit! 

And as for those bold gold accents.......I can't believe I'm about to admit that I have resorted back to my "old" favorite gold metallic paint.  I quit using it years ago as it's so incredibly odorous and often gives me a headache.  So please wear a mask and work in a well ventilated area if you choose to use it.  It really does give such a gorgeous finish and I just haven't found an opaque liquid gold that I like as much.  

Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy

The final touch was a high gloss finish!  I used Clear Coat Gloss......and laid down three coats over several hours for this gorgeous shiny look!  

Metal Leafing Technique Tutorial by Traceys Fancy

The Finished Look: Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments

I am so in love with this pair of jumbo finial ornaments....

Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy

....and even more in love with this color palette!  

custom curated color palate for painted jumbo finial ornaments by Traceys Fancy

I hope this will inspire you to look at all objects as canvases for your matter what color they are!

With a good quality paint like Dixie can literally paint anything!  

More Inspiration:

I pulled a few blogs from past projects that came to mind when working on this piece! I hope you can use them to draw inspiration for your upcoming project. Here are the additional designs for your inspiration:  

Want even more... Check out these blogs for LOADS OF IDEAS!

Click on any photo below for more up-close photos and all the design details


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Custom Painted Jumbo Finial Ornaments by Traceys Fancy

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