Playful Dress Up Cart
Paint your own Dress Up Cart to store kids' clothes and costumes. This Dress Up Storage Idea makes a wonderful gift and clutter solution!
Wine Box Repurposed Pet Bed
I am so excited to bring you this project! It's different! It's affordable! It's easy! My wine-box-repurposed pet bed! (This post...
Pink & Gold Baby Nursery
Well hello there my little angel! Meet Harlow Jean Underwood. This little beauty joined our family on September 21, 2016. Her parents,...
A Fancy Repurposed Cigar Box for a Girly Girl
Well would you look at that! I've transformed another "small" and my back loves me for it! (no heavy lifting) It may be small....but I...
How to LOVE your FICKLE Clients
The end result of "loving" this client is the classic black and white beauty you see here. A classy dresser. However…..getting here took...
My White Lime Spray Wax Learning Curve
General Finishes Java Gel Stain Heirloom Traditions Naval. I'm not a huge fan of navy….but this color is just gorgeous! Here it is in...