I am a whimsical furniture artist and DIY enthusiast based in Texas, here to inspire you to seek out your own creative gifts.
Some of my life must-haves include: a good checkerboard pattern, a healthy but hearty meal, any shade of pink, spending time with my grandbabies, and keeping a detailed color-coded planner.

Whether it's with one of my many pre-recorded/self-paced tutorials, becoming a member of my private community, an online LIVE class, attending one of my in-person classes or even one of my famous all-inclusive art retreats, I want to help you add more creativity to your life!
I will guide you through projects such as thrift store flips, hand-made holiday gifts, DIY home decor, wearable art and the most whimsically painted furniture you’ve ever seen!

I haven’t always been a furniture painter…
In fact….I was a stay-at-home mom with three children for years…while also training and dabbling in the fitness industry. (I may or may not have won a National Aerobic Championship in Hawaii). With many twists and turns that led to a divorce, I put myself through school and earned a degree as a Registered Nurse. I LOVED that profession! I enjoyed the teaching aspect of nursing. I did this for 10 years...and quit after meeting my husband Matt and we added a fourth child to the bunch (when I was 41!)
And then the furniture thing happened!
My son asked me to paint my childhood bedroom set for his daughter’s first big girl room. I painted a dresser, a desk, a lingerie chest, a nightstand and a headboard. I’ll never forget it: it was cream with a pink zebra pattern and jumbo polk-a-dots! Unbeknownst to me, my daughter in law posted it to her Facebook, and within just a week or two, I had MONTHS worth of custom orders! So there I was, at the age of 45, painting away in my garage around the clock.

Today, almost 14 years later, I’ve still got a teen at home…its just a different one, I am now a grandmother to seven, and my life is fuller than ever! I could never do it all without my #teamfancy! They keep me in line and make me look good! Things have certainly changed from those long days of painting alone in my garage!
What I love the most about where this journey has taken me….is now having the platform to inspire women around the world! Nothing moves me as much as encouraging another woman to try something new, speak truth into her….and then witnessing her step into her very own creative gifts! It’s the most joyful experience!
If any of this resonates with you, you may be seeking something that you didn’t even know you needed!

I had NOT a single clue that this was going to become a career, an amazing business opportunity that would allow me to create daily, share with millions, and TEACH others around the world how to do the same!